Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Day 3: Books purchased!

So, I was ready to concede that eating raw was not the right idea. I started reading things this morning that were depressing and altogether confusing.

However, I did not give up. I went to Barnes and Noble and searched their cookbook section and came home with 4 books on eating raw (make that 3 books on eating raw, 1 book on juicing). One of which I'm currently reading through, and it's almost like an encyclopedia of knowledge about the raw diet. I'm completely reinvigorated. I can do this!

I di eat two veggie burger patties today with some romaine lettuce. I realized at 5pm that the only thing I'd eaten all day was a blueberry, mango, almond milk shake (2 glasses) and my vitamins. So... not good. I'm highly doubtful that had any significant number of calories in it. So then I ate some goji berries, my dehydrated kale snack, cacao nibs, cashews, 2 veggie patties w/ lettuce, guacamole with raw chips (which get stuck in my teeth and are rather hard to chew) and a bell pepper with hummus (which isn't raw, but oh well).

So, not 100% raw, but considering I'm only on day 3, not so bad. I'm still a little hungry, but considering that it's 10:15, I need to cut my losses for today and start again tomorrow trying to get more calories. I just simply wasn't hungry between 8am and 5pm. Although ultimately that means I didn't consume enough calories (or I'm assuming I didn't) so I definitely need to work on that (hence the books).

I feel pretty good though. My energy level is up, I'm not groggy during the day and I don't have any food comas. Husband has commented that I'm less grumpy and moody (so that's a plus. I go through bouts of depression that just randomly come and go, so perhaps this diet will help rid me of those as well).

So, I have learned a few things so far from reading: namely that I need a juicer and a dehydrator. I've got the dehydrator picked out, I just have to buy it, and I did some research on juicers about 6 months ago, so I need to go back and figure out which one I liked the best. I've got a blender right now- a Cuisinart. It's not terrible. The smoothie button is crap if you're using vegetables though because you end up chewing your smoothie which is really just like eating mush. I need to try pureeing the vegetables first, then adding the fruit. Either way, I have a blender that works (although it smells like it's going to catch on fire when you use it) and that I'll use until it breaks and then hopefully I'll be far enough into this lifestyle to warrant the purchase of a Vitamix. The gold standard of blenders, and at $500 I'm just not ready for that kind of kitchen appliance investment yet.

I'm still not drinking enough water. I'm getting more than I did before I started going raw, but I'm still behind. I just keep forgetting to do things like drink water and eat. That's what I get for being away from work for an extended period of time.

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