Monday, January 2, 2012

Day 2: What am I doing?

So day 2 of going raw has concluded. I consumed no dairy, meat, or cooked food of any kind and I was ultimately forced to concede that I honestly have no clue what I'm doing.

For breakfast I had a banana, strawberry and almond milk smoothie with some flax seed. That was delicious. I had 2 glasses of that with my 2 daily Shaklee vitamins.

And then for lunch I made guacamole and ate it with some raw chips I found at Whole Foods.

I then snacked on cashews, goji berries and this amazing dehydrated kale snack stuff I found at Whole Foods and for dinner I made a smoothie of a banana, apple, water, cucumber and kale. Either my blender doesn't puree well or that's as good as it gets, but I was definitely chewing most of the time. I had 2 glasses of that.

Am I getting adequate nutrition? I have no idea. I had no idea before either I suppose, because it's not like I was counting how much iron and calcium and zinc I got in my diet, but for some reason only eating raw fruits and vegetables (with nuts and seeds) makes me wonder constantly "am I doing this right?" I'm fairly certain I'm missing some things on this raw diet, some essential nutrients and whatnot, since today I've had: 3 bananas, apple, some kale, half a cucumber, a whole avocado, half a tomato, handful of cashews, handful of dehydrated kale and some goji berries (which are delicious). So, not a whole lot of range in the food world, and not a whole lot of food in general.

So tomorrow I'm going to be on a quest for a guide book on doing this properly. I've also decided to get a food dehydrator for snacks (and jerky for Husband) and a juicer so I don't have to chew my smoothies- because honestly, that was weird.

I did not do yoga today. Husband and I spent today as consumers and are currently infatuated with Apple TV.

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