Sunday, January 1, 2012

Day 1: Conclusion

So this morning the hubs and I woke up at 9:15 and headed into the city to stop off at the market. We picked up apples (1/2 a bushel), tomatoes, collard greens (I have no idea what to do with those), kale, a turnip, pears, radishes, home made pasta and winter squash. I then made a stop at whole foods and additionally picked up: oranges, clementines, grapefruits, bananas, mangoes, avocados, limes, goji berries, cashews, cacao nibs, some raw snacks I saw (chips and crackers), broccoli, and bell peppers. So I should be stocked for a while. 

Daily log:
12pm Breakfast - large glass of water, 2 multi-vitamins (from Shaklee), a banana, apple, slice of turnip sprinkled with a pinch of salt and a handful of cacao nibs. 

The rest of the day was mostly snacks of bananas, apples and clementines with some cashews in there as we hiked about 5 miles in Mason Neck State Park.

I made a smoothie with 2 bananas, 1 cup of water and 2 cups of green salad stuff (spinach and mixed greens). I don't know if my blender is just weird or I didn't have enough liquid but the smoothie was very frothy which was definitely a turn-off, but it tasted good.

We finished up the day with stuff that's not raw (mostly because I don't know how to eat an acorn squash that isn't cooked), so we had half an acorn squash and some quinoa. 

I made an attempt at yoga today after picking up a mat and dvd at Target. The instructional dvd lady goes way too fast for beginners (even though the DVD is for beginners).

Some thoughts on today: 
1) I didn't consume any dairy or meat today, and the only two cooked things I ate were half an acorn squash and 1/4 cup of quinoa. Pretty pleased with that. I need to look for a host of raw recipes because eating salad every day will get mighty boring. I definitely should have had more water today though.

2) Felt a little weird/off today, not sure why. My stomach was all weird and I found it hard to even finish my apples throughout the day, and I don't know why that is. I'm definitely full at the conclusion of today.

3) I'm sick and it's not fun. I got sick after we came back from Kansas so the hiking today was rough. I'm hoping this diet will assist me in getting better. I felt pretty cleared up after the walk, but sitting here now I can feel the congestion coming back on. In the interest of getting a full night's rest, I'll be downing some nyquil.

4) I'm starting to think I'm going to have to make occasional cooked food exceptions in my life. I'm going to two weddings, one in February and one in March where I'll be forced to eat cooked food. It's unreasonable to expect anyone to conform to what my dietary choices are, so I'll eat food without complaint and then get back on my diet without looking back.

5) Definitely spent a lot of time in the bathroom today. Wasn't expecting that. Not sure if that's part of the detox or if I just had to go a lot. I guess we'll see in the coming days and weeks.

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